Sherpaa now offers virtual consults with specialists in 40 specialties.

Posted by Jay on

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Sherpaa is Virtual Primary Care. But in reality, it's the central hub people use for getting their health problems solved. We're just problem-solvers. For the past 7 years, we've just been primary care problem-solvers. But now we're adding specialists to the toolset.

How it works: when your Sherpaa doc needs a specialist consult that doesn’t require an in-person visit, they summon a specialist and they respond with their opinion and advice for further management. It’s interesting. Often, when traditional PCPs refer to specialists, it’s to get an answer to one or two pointed questions. And most of the time an in-person visit is not necessary if the specialist has the history, data, photos, etc. in front of them to make an assessment.

Over the last 7 years, Sherpaa has found that 70% of primary/urgent care can be managed without in-person visits. Our partner has also found that 70% of specialist consults do not need an office visit. Think about what that means for a second.

When Sherpaa docs do refer (in 30% of cases), 55% of those referrals have gone to in-person specialists. Now, the majority of those referrals will be virtual and the vast majority of them will not require an in-person specialist visit.

I hope it’s becoming increasingly clear that Sherpaa is a hub. We’re strategically adding synergistic spokes that work in partnership with our central primary care hub to tackle cost and access issues and ultimately make care highly efficient, affordable, and simple.